Hammer curls are a variation of the bicep curl and target the muscles of the upper and lower arms. While this exercise is almost always done with dumbbells, you can also do it with cables or bands. Hammer curls are a great addition to your upper body strength routine.
How to do hammer curls
Stand with your legs straight (but not tight or locked) and your knees aligned under your hips. Your arms will be at your sides, holding a dumbbell in each hand, the weights resting on your outer thighs. Your palms will be facing your thighs, your thumbs will be facing forward, and your shoulders will be relaxed.
- Bend at the elbow, lifting the lower arms to pull the weights toward the shoulders. Your upper arms are stationary and the wrists are in line with the forearms.
- Hold for one second at the top of the movement. Your thumbs will be close to the shoulders and palms facing in, toward the midline of your body.
- Lower the weights to return to the starting position.
Benefits of Hammer Curls
Hammer curls work the biceps brachii, which is considered a "vanity muscle" because it is easily visible on the front of your body.
Individuals interested in achieving a muscular appearance often target the biceps for a more athletic appearance.
Within the body, the biceps brachii is an elbow flexor because it is responsible for bending movements at the elbow joint. It helps rotate (supinate) the arm.
In everyday movements, strong biceps help you lift and carry heavy objects. These muscles assist in other arm-based movements, such as closing doors or pulling objects toward or across your body.
Hammer curls are a great way to build strong biceps and provide greater definition and increased strength.3 Including them in your exercise program can also help increase wrist stability and grip strength.
Alternating hammer curls
If you try hammer curls and find it too challenging to maintain proper form, try alternating. Instead of lifting both arms together, lift the right arm up and down, then lift the left arm up and down. Continue alternating sides.
Incline hammer curls
Another variation is to use a seated incline bench to perform hammer curls. While seated, the starting position places the arms behind your hips and helps reduce shoulder involvement. Otherwise, the same movement applies. Lift the weight to the shoulders before lowering it again.
We've tried, tested, and reviewed the best weight benches. If you're in the market for a weight bench, explore which option might be best for you.
Preacher's Hammer Curl
Some exercisers use a preacher's bench to perform hammer curls. A preacher's bench is an angled, padded armrest that allows you to hold your upper arms in an isolated position so you can lift more weight and better target your biceps.
Adjust the padded armrest so that the top of it just touches your armpits. Place your upper arms against the padding, extend your elbows, and hold the weights so that your palms are facing each other. Lift the weights up to your shoulders, then lower them back down.
Hammer Curls Power Squat
Make hammer curls more challenging by adding a squat. This helps work your legs and glutes while you work your arms. After lifting the weight to your shoulders, lower yourself into a squat position. Hold briefly, stand back up, and return the weights to your sides.
Using Momentum
Using momentum reduces your ability to generate power during hammer curls. Swinging can increase your risk of injury because you lose control when you have more momentum.
You can tell if you are using momentum by leaning forward slightly and bringing the weight behind your hips as you begin the hammer curl. This body position helps you prepare for the workload.
Using momentum is often a sign that you are lifting too much weight. If you find yourself spinning before each rep, lower the weight and pay attention to your form.
Curling Too Fast
Hammer curls employ a relatively small range of motion, so it's easy to rush through this exercise and use quick movements, especially during the lowering phase.
Taking your time on the way up and down allows you to control the movements and focus on form. Slowing your movements also adds more challenge because you must engage your muscles for a longer time.
Floating Elbows
It's easy to allow the elbows to float away from the body during hammer curls. While this engages other muscles in the lift, such as the deltoids (shoulders), the more you engage other muscles the less you target the biceps.
Keep your elbows in a stable, fixed position and concentrate on moving only the lower arm during hammer curls. If you can't lift weight without moving your elbow, the weight is too heavy.
Safety and Precautions
While hammer curls are appropriate for most exercisers, those with lower arm injuries (such as carpal tunnel syndrome) may need an alternate exercise or modification.
Tension in the biceps indicates that the movement is working and effectively targeting your upper-arm muscles. However, stop if you feel pain when performing hammer curls.
When first starting, try two sets of 7 to 10 repetitions each. As you get stronger and more flexible, add repetitions first. Then add more weight.
Hammer Curls Biceps FAQ
1. What are hammer curls?
Hammer curls are a weightlifting exercise targeting the biceps and forearms. Unlike standard bicep curls, hammer curls are performed with a neutral grip (palms facing each other) throughout the movement.
2. What muscles do hammer curls work?
Hammer curls primarily target:
- Biceps brachii (long and short heads): Though not as isolated as in a traditional curl, the biceps are still engaged.
- Brachialis: A key muscle located under the biceps that adds thickness to the arm.
- Brachioradialis: A forearm muscle that helps with elbow flexion.
3. Are hammer curls better than regular bicep curls?
Hammer curls are neither better nor worse—they’re complementary. Regular bicep curls emphasize the biceps brachii, while hammer curls shift focus to the brachialis and brachioradialis, providing a well-rounded arm workout.
4. Can hammer curls help grow the biceps?
Yes, hammer curls contribute to bicep growth, particularly by developing the brachialis, which pushes the biceps up and makes them appear fuller. Combining hammer curls with traditional curls is ideal for balanced growth.
5. Should I use dumbbells or cables for hammer curls?
Dumbbells are the most common tool for hammer curls, but cables are a great alternative for constant tension throughout the range of motion. Both are effective; the choice depends on personal preference and equipment availability.
6. How much weight should I use for hammer curls?
Start with a weight that allows you to complete 8–12 repetitions with proper form. Gradually increase as your strength improves.
7. Are hammer curls good for beginners?
Yes! Hammer curls are beginner-friendly. The neutral grip reduces wrist strain, making them accessible to most people.
8. How many sets and reps are ideal for hammer curls?
For strength and hypertrophy:
- 3–4 sets of 8–12 reps. For endurance:
- 2–3 sets of 12–15 reps.
9. How do I ensure proper form?
- Stand or sit with a straight back.
- Keep your elbows close to your sides.
- Curl the dumbbells upward while maintaining a neutral grip.
- Lower them slowly to the starting position.
- Avoid swinging the weights or using momentum.
10. Can hammer curls prevent injuries?
By strengthening the brachialis and forearms, hammer curls improve grip strength and elbow stability, which can help prevent injuries in the gym and daily life.
Introduction to Hammer Curls
Hammer curls are a fundamental strength training exercise designed to enhance the size and strength of the arms, focusing primarily on the biceps, brachialis, and forearms. This exercise is a variation of the traditional bicep curl, performed with a neutral grip (palms facing each other) throughout the movement.
Hammer curls are an excellent addition to any workout routine, as they help to:
- Build well-rounded arm muscles.
- Improve grip strength and elbow stability.
- Provide variety to traditional arm exercises, reducing the risk of muscle imbalances.
Whether you're a beginner or an experienced athlete, hammer curls are simple to learn and highly effective. They can be performed using dumbbells, cables, or resistance bands, making them accessible for both home and gym workouts.