25 Top-Rated Things to Do in Guatemala Antigua

Discover the best "things to do in Guatemala Antigua" with our comprehensive guide. From historical landmarks to cultural immersion, culinary delights, and hidden gems – explore this vibrant destination. Welcome to Guatemala Antigua, a mesmerizing city steeped in history and pulsating with vibrant culture.

Things to Do in Guatemala Antigua

25 Top-Rated Things to Do in Guatemala Antigua

In this guide, we will unveil the diverse array of activities that make Antigua a must-visit destination for any traveler seeking a blend of adventure and cultural exploration. Nestled amidst the picturesque landscapes of Guatemala, Antigua stands as a testament to the country's rich history and architectural marvels. Cobblestone streets, colonial-era buildings, and a backdrop of volcanoes create an enchanting setting for exploration.

1. Hike up an active volcano

Hike up an active volcano

With 37 volcanoes in the country, Guatemala is a great place to see these natural wonders. Three of the country’s volcanoes are still active—Pacaya, Fuego, and Santiaguito—with the first two being the most popular for tourists to visit.

Getting up close and personal with these forces of nature is sure to be one of the highlights of your trip to Guatemala.

We’ve been hearing travelers’ stories about Volcan Fuego for years, and we finally got to experience it for ourselves. This active volcano erupts frequently (usually at least once per hour) and is most active at night. 

A popular excursion from Antigua is to hike up the neighboring Acatenango Volcano, to watch it erupt all night long.

Spending the night beneath the stars and watching lava spew out of Volcan Fuego was unlike anything we had ever seen. And it is one of our favorite memories from our 3-month trip in Central America.

However, this trek is not for the faint of heart. We’ve written about our Acatenango Volcano overnight hike so you can know exactly what to expect and how to prepare.

2. Fall in love with Antigua

This charming colonial city flanked by volcanoes is hard not to love. Wander through cobblestone streets and past colorful buildings as you check out all the sights. 

Take a break in a cafe with some Guatemalan coffee

Photograph the famous Santa Catalina Arch

Stroll around Parque Central and the Plaza Mayor

Check out Casa Santo Domingo museum, hotel and spa

Explore Antigua’s ancient ruins

Visit Caoba Farms for lunch or their famous Saturday farmers market

3. Find your zen at Lake Atitlan

Lake Atitlan is known for sucking people in, getting them to stay longer than expected. The ironic thing is while there is so much to do, it is also a great place to just relax.

Kayak or SUP along the shoreline or jump off a dock and swim! Before you do, read up on the pollution in the lake and make your own decision on whether or not you want to jump in. And if you’d rather just chill on shore, this is the perfect spot to soak up the lake views with a good book.

We have an entire guide to Lake Atitlan that’ll help you plan your trip. And don’t miss two of our top recommendations below.

San Marcos has an unapologetic “hippy vibe” that some people love, and others (like us) find a bit… how shall we say this… over the top.

All hippy vibes aside though, it is a cute town to relax in, eat yummy vegan food and soak up the lake atmosphere. And if you are open and curious, you can try all sorts of healing and spiritual rituals:

If any of the above experiences interest you, head to the main street of town and check out the bulletin board for dates and times. During the busy season, these events and ceremonies seem to take place quite frequently. We visited during low season (May), and found many yoga studios and other places closed.

The hike to Indian Nose viewpoint in San Juan la Laguna is relatively short (30 – 45 minutes) and not too difficult. But the views overlooking Lake Atitlan, several volcanoes and small villages, makes it a pretty epic experience.

You can choose to join a tour group and hike for spectacular sunrise views, or do it on your own in the daylight hours.

4. Visit the turquoise pools of Semuc Champey

The turquoise pools of Semuc Champey are something out of a dream, and they truly are as beautiful as they look on Instagram.

Spend the day swimming, splashing and taking photos. Oh, and don’t forget to hike up to El Mirador for the most beautiful view. We have a complete guide to visiting Semuc Champey, which will help you plan your trip and know exactly what to expect.

Important Note: The thing that you have to understand before putting Semuc Champey on your itinerary is that it is not easy to get to. The long (and bumpy!) bus rides, however, mean that there are fewer crowds than you might expect in a place this breathtaking.

The pools aren’t the only thing to see in Semuc Champey. There is a cave system which can be explored on a tour. And you’ll use candles to light the way!

Many hostels organize groups to go tubing on Rio Cahabon. After spending a day in the pools, we grabbed tubes (and a beer or two!) and joined the group headed back to our hostel.

It is called “extreme tubing” for a reason! The river has a series of rapids and sharp turns, so it was a wild (but fun!) ride back.

5. Explore the Mayan ruins of Tikal

Central America is full of Mayan ruins to explore, but one of the most loved sites is Tikal. Located in the jungle of northern Guatemala near the borders of Belize and Mexico, this used to be one of the most powerful cities in Mayan civilization.

Being that it is a bit difficult to get to, Tikal National Park sees less visitors than other popular ruins. Plus, the complex is huge and spread out through a jungle, so you can pretend you are Indiana Jones as you roam about the ruins.

We’ve put together a complete guide to visiting Tikal packed with everything you need for planning your trip!

6. Jump off a rope swing in Lake Peten Itza

The town of Flores, Guatemala is cute, but the main reason people pass through is to visit Tikal. However, there is one more thing you shouldn’t miss before heading onward.

Jorge’s Rope Swing is set in a secluded bay on Lake Peten Itza, Guatemala’s 3rd largest lake, and it is a seriously fun place to escape the afternoon heat.

Order a drink (or two!) and relax on hammocks, mingle with other travelers, swim in the tepid waters or take a leap and jump off the famous rope swing. You’ll be happy you came!

Do it yourself: Here are details on getting to Jorge’s Rope Swing as well as more info about what to do in and around Flores.

7. Ride a “chicken bus”

These brightly painted American school buses are common throughout parts of Central America, and Guatemala is the perfect place to hop aboard.

They earned the nickname “chicken bus” because locals bring everything on board—from machinery parts to giant bags of produce to, you guessed it—chickens!

Depending on the route, the bus might be really crowded. But don’t be surprised when the driver stops to pick up more passengers. There is always room for everyone on a chicken bus.

Unless you have lots of time to spare and are really looking for adventure, we’d recommend trying a shorter route. These local buses can take infinitely longer than direct shuttles, so a cross-country drive can take a really, REALLY long time.

And don’t expect comfort. While you might have a whole seat to yourself, you may also be squished between strangers for the whole bumpy ride.

Insider tip: When entering the bus, tell the driver your destination to be sure it’s going the correct direction. Then find a seat or a place to stand. Someone will come around to collect the fare, and the amount will be based on your final destination. But don’t worry, it is cheap!

8. Shop for handicrafts at local markets

Guatemala is known for shockingly colorful textiles and beautifully crafted artisan goods. If picking up a souvenir (or a suitcase full of them!) is on your to-do list in Guatemala, you’ll have no shortage of places to choose from.

And even if you don’t have room in your backpack, going to the markets is a great way to get a glimpse into local life and try regional foods you may have never seen before.

We visited a handful of markets during our time in Guatemala, but two of our favorites were around Lake Atitlan.

One is an excellent place to find crafts to purchase, while the other is an amazing place to observe local life.

Commonly called “Chichi” for short, this market is a must-see. It’s actually known as the largest market in Central America!

With rows upon rows (upon even more rows!) of locals selling handicrafts, this colorful market is a sight to see. Plus, it’s one of the best places to purchase souvenirs in Guatemala. Even though it is popular amongst tourists, we found it a totally worthwhile stop.

And while you’re in Chichicastenango, make sure to stop at the colorful cemetery not far from the market.

Unlike Chichi, you won’t find many souvenirs. But you’ll find hardly any tourists either. Instead, experience true local life, as the nearby villagers come to purchase produce and home goods.

This is also one of the best places to spot men wearing their traditional clothing, which is a rare sight in much of the country.

9. Take a yoga class

Whether you are an experienced yogi or you are new to the practice, You’ll find yoga classes all around the country—from the eco lodges in Semuc Champey to studios in Antigua to full-on retreats at Lake Atitlan. With an overwhelming amount of options, the latter is arguably the best place in Guatemala to get your downward dog on.

The town with the most yoga classes and retreats is undoubtedly the hippie and wellness haven of San Marcos, but you can find classes all around the lake.

You’ll find everything from drop-in beginner classes to month-long retreats, so there is a class for everyone at every level.

10. Scuba dive and see thermal activity

For one, don’t expect to see much marine life. But what the lake lacks in underwater life it makes up for in interesting sights like shipwrecks and thermal activity.

Plus, at 1,562 meters (5,125 feet) above sea level, it is possible to get your high altitude specialty at Lake Atitlan.

11. Toast marshmallows on Volcan Pacaya

If camping overnight isn’t for you (aka hiking Acatenango), hiking up Pacaya Volcano is an easier and less time consuming alternative. This volcano is much more accessible and can be easily done on a day trip if desired. 

The entire hike takes just 2 hours up and about 1.5 hours back depending on your speed, and is suitable for families and hikers of all abilities. Most tour companies offer morning and sunset times, and we’ve been told sunset is optimal!

12. Drink Guatemalan coffee

Guatemala is known around the world for its robust and delicious coffee beans. They export their coffee around the globe, so there’s a good chance you’ve already had a Guatemalan brew before stepping foot in the country.

If you’re a coffee-lover, you’re going to be buzzed (quite literally!) your whole time in Guatemala.

In the more touristy towns, you’ll find super cute cafes with artisan coffees and dreamy decor. Oftentimes the beans are sourced responsibly from local communities, meaning your coffee habit will not only caffeinate you, but it will give back.

Learn about the process and support the farmers who work hard to produce quality coffee plants by taking a tour with De La Gente.

We’ve taken coffee tours in a handful of places, and it always gives us a deeper appreciation for the process and people behind it.

13. Learn about chocolate (or just eat it!)

Second to coffee, another well-known export from Guatemala (and Central America in general) is chocolate. So Guatemala is a perfect place to indulge your sweet-tooth.

Eat ALL the chocolate: Diego’s Chocolate is available all around the country (usually by the register of small shops) and comes in a variety of tasty flavors. Our favorite was dark chocolate sea salt.

Visit a chocolate museum: Yep, you read that right! The most famous one is in Antigua.

Do a cacao ceremony: Explore the spiritual side of chocolate.

Learn about the process: If you’re in San Marcos (town on Lake Atitlan), stop in Dalileo where you can sample some amazing chocolate and learn about how it goes from the bean to the bar.

Make your own chocolate: Take your chocolate knowledge to the next level and book a chocolate-making workshop!

14. Try pepián

Known widely as the “national dish of Guatemala,” be sure to try this meat and vegetable stew at least once when traveling through Guatemala. It is said to be a fusion of flavors from both Mayan and Spanish culture, and is absolutely delicious!

This hearty dish can be found everywhere from street vendors (for a few dollars) to restaurants ($5-15) to locals’ homes.

Here are some top restaurants to try pepián in Antigua (but it can be found all around the country):

Rincón Típico

Los Tres Tiempos


La Cuevita de los Urquizú

15. Take a cooking class

We’re obsessed with taking cooking classes around the world, and think that it’s a great way to get a deeper look into culture, support locals, and have one of the best meals of your trip.

If you’re staying in Antigua, you can browse these cooking classes and food tours, or if you want to support locals and make sure your money is going back into the community, we’d recommend booking a Pepian cooking workshop through De La Gente. The workshop is $35 USD per person and makes for a great experience, plus it includes a tasty meal!

And if you’re traveling to Lake Atitlan, check out the classes run by CECAP & Amigos de Santa Cruz. It is a really cool organization that empowers locals in the community, and offers very cool experiences for travelers (plus, it’s one of the most affordable cooking classes in the country!).

16. See the “real Guatemala” in Xela

Set high up in the Guatemalan highlands, Quetzaltenango or “Xela” (pronounced “sheh-la”) for short is often said to give visitors a glimpse of the “real Guatemala”.

Xela is the second largest city in Guatemala, yet it has a more laid back atmosphere than the not-so-charming capital, Guatemala City. Surrounded by volcanoes and known for beautiful churches and markets, Xela is far less touristy than Antigua and Atitlan, so it makes a nice stop if you have the time.

Spend a couple days exploring, or stay a while and take a Spanish class. Xela has many affordable options, including the choice to do a homestay.

17. Soak in hot springs (Fuentes Georginas)

Nestled in the lush highlands near the town of Zunil (about 45 minutes from Xela), are the tranquil Fuentes Georginas hot springs. 

The natural, mineral-rich waters, heated by the nearby Zunil Volcano, provide a soothing soak with breathtaking views. They are surrounded by dense cloud forest and volcanic landscapes—unlike any hot springs you’ll find in North America!

A visit to Fuentes Georginas makes for a great way to spend an afternoon away from Xela. But you can also visit these hot springs on a hike. More on that below…

18. Do a multi-day trek

Quetzaltenango is also known as a base for trekking and there are a few popular multi-day hikes you can do from there. 

Standing tall at 4,222 meters (13,852 feet), Tajumulco is the highest point in Central America and takes 2 days to summit. Another popular multi-day hike is the 3-day trek to Lake Atitlan. 

If we had more time in Guatemala, this would have been at the top of our list!

Responsible travel tip: If you are considering doing a trek in Guatemala, check out Quetzal Trekkers, a non-profit trekking company led by volunteer guides. All profits go to a school and home for street children in Xela.

19. Volunteer

Being that there is a high level of poverty, Guatemala has many volunteer opportunities. But beware. Volunteering abroad is not always as good as it sounds. If you plan to volunteer with people, please do your research on the subject of “voluntourism” and ensure that you are choosing a reputable and ethical organization.

An alternative option for those who want to stay longer in Guatemala but don’t want to breach the fuzzy ethical lines of working with children and impoverished communities is to volunteer at a hostel, guesthouse, animal rescue center, yoga studio, or farm.

Typically these programs are free, and in exchange for a few hours of work a day, you will be provided room and board. There are many opportunities on WorkAway, and unlike volunteering with impoverished communities, the repercussions of your work aren’t as much of a concern.

20. See a different side of the country in Rio Dulce

While we didn’t personally have time to make it to Rio Dulce and Livingston on the Caribbean Coast, this spot is a good stopping point if you are traveling from Guatemala to Belize.

With an old fort, jungle, birds, and small Mayan ruins, there are a handful of attractions in Rio Dulce National Park. However, we haven’t heard anyone name this place as a highlight of their time in Guatemala.

Truthfully, we heard mixed reviews about this area. Some people we spoke with said it was a nice way to break up their trip to Belize. However, others said it didn’t feel super safe and the town of Livingston didn’t have the best vibes (in their opinion).

We can’t speak from experience, but had we been traveling to Belize, we probably would have tried to make it here just to check it out.

21. Go surfing in El Paredon

If you’re a surfer (or want to learn) El Paredon is one of the best places to catch waves in Guatemala. Surfing in this region is best from September through November, and undercurrents can be strong.

While El Paredon doesn’t get the same attention as more famous neighbors, like surfing towns in Mexico, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa Rica, this could be a nice way to soak up time away from the crowds.

Just 2.5 hours from Antigua, this laidback beach town could be a good addition to your Guatemala itinerary if you have some time to work with and want to get off the tourist path. You’ll find a completely different vibe here than you will throughout the rest of the country.

Take a surfing lesson, do a cooking class, visit a sea turtle hatchery, and explore the mangroves on a boat tour. Oh, and take some time to just relax at a luxurious hotel with a pool, like this one!

22. Practice your Spanish

Guatemala is the perfect place to take a Spanish class. There are courses offered all around the country, and they vary in length and cost depending on what you’re looking for.

The towns around Lake Atitlan are popular places for people to take Spanish courses, as is the charming town of Antigua. You can book in advance, or visit each place and see where you’d prefer to spend more time.

23. Do a farm tour

Whether you want to learn more about coffee farming practices, understand how chocolate goes from bean to bar or are looking for a quirky local experience, the region surrounding Antigua is a great place to tour a farm in Guatemala.

Tour a coffee farm with De La Gente: Signature coffee tours led by local growers from San Miguel Escobar near Antigua. Explore their fields, learn the coffee cultivation process from bean to brew, and conclude the tour with a coffee in their home. Engage in authentic conversations with small-scale producers, gaining insights into their challenges, triumphs, and dedication to the coffee industry.

Valhalla Macadamia Nut Farm: Discover the complete journey of macadamia nut cultivation, the agroindustrial process, and their unique reforestation initiative. Sample macadamia products, unwind with a complimentary facial massage using macadamia oil, and grab a bite to eat at the restaurant before you go.

Caoba Farms: Established in 2004 with a mission to contribute to a more environmentally sustainable world, Caoba Farms is a short walk from Antigua’s city center. Beyond supplying fresh organic produce to local homes and eateries, the farm serves as a learning center offering permaculture courses and volunteer opportunities.  

24. Visit Hobbitenango

If your mind just went to the Lord of the Rings and you’re picturing the pint-sized movie set of Hobbiton that tourists come to visit on a trip to New Zealand, you wouldn’t be that far off. 

Hobbitenango is a hobbit-themed eco park, restaurant and hotel situated high on a mountaintop outside of Antigua. The destination is a popular visit for local families from all over the surrounding region and if you come on a weekend, you’ll surely run into crowds.

Nevertheless, it’s a quick and fun experience to walk around the park, take in the stunning views of the surrounding volcano peaks and take lots of cheesy Hobbit-themed photos! If you’re really feeling adventurous, you can stay the night in one of the hobbit houses that were built to look just like those on the set of Lord of the Rings. 

Tip: It can also get really chilly up there, so it’s a good idea to wear layers. There is a small stand at the park entrance selling second-hand sweaters and jackets if you get desperate.

25. Don’t sleep on Guatemala City

While the major metropolis is certainly not going to be the highlight of your Guatemala itinerary, it is worth a stop if you’re looking for a little luxury or some comforts of home. 

For one, you can get luxury 5-star hotels in Guatemala City at a fraction of what it would typically cost you in the U.S. For example, a stay at The Westin will run you just about $100 USD per night. 

While you’re in the city, there are a few highlights we’d recommend checking out:

Take a free walking tour to get your bearings

Explore the Museo Popol Vuh (considered one of the largest collections of Maya art in the world) to learn more about Mayan culture

Stroll through the botanical gardens

Visit the National Palace, Guatemala’s City’s cultural center

Check out the trendy shopping and dining district of Cayala 


Is Antigua a safe destination for tourists?

Antigua is generally considered safe for tourists. However, it's advisable to stay vigilant, especially in crowded areas, and be aware of your surroundings.

What is the best time to visit Antigua?

The best time to visit Antigua is during the dry season, from November to April, when the weather is pleasant, and outdoor activities are in full swing.

Are English speakers common in Antigua?

While Spanish is the official language, many locals in Antigua, especially in tourist areas, can communicate in English.

How can I explore the city sustainably?

Opt for eco-friendly activities, support local businesses, and be mindful of your environmental impact to explore Antigua sustainably.

Are credit cards widely accepted in Antigua?

Credit cards are widely accepted in established businesses, but it's advisable to carry some cash for smaller shops and markets.

Can I hike the volcanoes around Antigua without a guide?

While some trails can be navigated independently, hiring a guide is recommended for safety and a more enriching experience.


In conclusion, Guatemala Antigua offers a kaleidoscope of experiences for every type of traveler. From rich historical explorations to thrilling outdoor adventures and cultural immersion, Antigua welcomes you with open arms. Plan your visit, savor the moments, and create memories that will last a lifetime.

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