The straight arm Lat pulldowns exercise works the back muscles and is performed on a workstation with a constant resistance, usually plates. While seated, pull the hanging bar down to chin level and release it back up with control to complete one repetition. Lat pulldowns can be performed as part of an upper body strength workout.
How to do a lat pulldown
Sit comfortably on the pulldown seat and keep your feet flat on the floor. Check the height of the bar. You may need to adjust the height of the bar by shortening or lengthening the chain or wire that supports the bar or by raising or lowering the height of your seat. Seek the help of a certified personal trainer if necessary.
The lat pulldown bar should be at a height where your outstretched arms can comfortably hold the bar without having to stand up completely, but you should be able to extend your arms to achieve your full range of motion. If the lat pulldown station has a thigh pad, adjust it so that your upper thighs are tucked under the pad. This will help you when you apply effort to the bar.
- Grasp the bar with a wide, overhand, knuckles-up grip. Other positions and grips are possible but start with this standard position.
- Pull the lat pulldown bar until it's approximately level with the chin. Exhale on the downward motion. While shifting slightly backward is OK, aim to keep your upper torso stationary. Keep your feet flat on the floor and engage your abs as you pull. The bottom of the motion should be where your elbows can't move downward anymore without moving backward. Be sure to stop at that point and do not go lower.
- Squeeze the shoulder blades together while maintaining square shoulders.
- From the bottom position with the bar close to your chin, slowly return the lat pulldown bar to the starting position while controlling its gradual ascent. Don't let it crash into the weight plates.
- Continue until you complete eight to 12 repetitions in a set. Rest, then continue to complete your program of sets.
Benefits of Lat Pulldowns
To make everyday pullups like opening doors, starting a lawnmower, swimming, or even doing pull-ups easier, you need to train your back and shoulders to help you maintain proper posture. Having strong lats can also help relieve some types of back pain.1
Muscles Worked During Lat Pulldowns
Lat pulldowns primarily target the latissimus dorsi, commonly known as the “lats,” which is a muscle just below the armpits that runs across and down the back. Lat pulldowns also work the teres major, a muscle near the bottom of the shoulder blades.
By isolating the back muscles with lat pulldowns, you can focus specifically on them without tiring the biceps or triceps.
Light Weights or Bands for Beginners
Beginners may want to start with light weights or bands so they use proper form during lat pulldowns. You can try doing the exercise while standing with one foot in front of you, like walking.
Alternate Grips
Try using wide, narrow, underhand, or overhand grips to target specific muscle groups. Use a medium-distance grip with your arms straight and your hands shoulder-width apart to work your biceps and mid-back. A wide grip recruits more back muscles, while a close-grip pulldown emphasizes the arm muscles.2
Straight-arm pulldowns
Straight-arm pulldowns, which require you to keep your elbows fully extended for most of the time (usually while standing), hit the muscles on the back of your upper arm, known as the triceps.
Reverse your grip
Reversing the grip to an underhand grip with your fingers pointing down and your palms facing up, works more of the muscles on the front of your upper arm, known as the biceps.
Straight arm Lat Pulldowns
Avoid these mistakes so you can get the most out of your lat pulldown and prevent strain or injury.
Arching your back
Sit up straight and keep your chest up as you pull the bar down. Maintaining a neutral spine can help protect your lower back from injury.
Using your arms
Make sure your arms aren't doing the work of pulling the bar down - you want it to come from your back. Activate your lats by pulling down from your armpits.
Holding the bar too wide
Grab the lat pulldown bar just outside your shoulders, but not too wide, especially if you're a beginner. Keep your elbows pointing down and not out to the sides as you lower the bar.
Pulling too far back
Stop at a point where your elbows have to go back to continue pulling the cable down. If your elbows go back, this will put extra stress on the shoulder joint. You should only lower the bar to or just below your chin.
Use Momentum
Like most weighted exercises, perform lat pulldowns slowly and with control. Doing them too quickly uses momentum and reduces the use of the targeted muscles.
Safety and Precautions
For safety reasons, it is not recommended to perform lat pulldowns behind the neck, as the rotation of the shoulder joint and the potential contact of the spine with the bar can cause injury.
If you have any wrist, elbow, or shoulder problems, talk to your doctor or physical therapist to see if lat pulldowns are appropriate. If you experience pain or excessive stress on your shoulder joints, stop the pulldown.
The number of lat pulldown repetitions you perform in a workout will depend on the weight used, your experience level, and strength.
Straight Arm Lat Pulldowns FAQ
1. What are straight arm lat pulldowns?
Straight arm lat pulldowns are a resistance exercise targeting the latissimus dorsi (lats), the muscles on the sides of your back. This movement emphasizes isolating the lats while minimizing biceps involvement.
2. What muscles do straight arm lat pulldowns target?
The primary muscle targeted is the latissimus dorsi. Secondary muscles include the teres major, rear deltoids, and triceps (long head) for stabilization.
3. What equipment do I need for straight arm lat pulldowns?
You’ll need:
- A cable machine with a high pulley.
- A straight bar, EZ bar, or rope attachment.
4. How do I perform a straight arm lat pulldown correctly?
- Setup: Attach a straight bar or rope to the high pulley. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, facing the machine.
- Grip: Grab the bar with a shoulder-width, overhand grip.
- Positioning: Slightly hinge at your hips and lean forward. Keep your arms extended but not locked, and engage your core.
- Execution: Pull the bar down in an arc-like motion until it reaches your thighs, squeezing your lats at the bottom.
- Return: Slowly raise the bar back to the starting position without losing control. Repeat for the desired number of reps.
5. What are common mistakes to avoid?
- Using momentum: Swinging your torso to move the weight.
- Bending the elbows: This shifts emphasis to the triceps and biceps.
- Overloading weight: Choose a manageable weight to maintain proper form.
- Insufficient range of motion: Ensure full extension and contraction of the lats.
6. Are straight arm lat pulldowns beginner-friendly?
Yes, they are suitable for beginners, but start with lighter weights to master the form. Consult a trainer if needed for proper guidance.
7. Can I do straight arm lat pulldowns without a cable machine?
Yes, alternatives include using:
- Resistance bands anchored overhead.
- Dumbbell pullovers on a bench.
8. How do straight arm lat pulldowns compare to regular lat pulldowns?
- Straight arm lat pulldowns isolate the lats more by minimizing bicep engagement.
- Regular lat pulldowns involve pulling with bent arms, engaging both the lats and biceps.
9. How many sets and reps should I do?
For general fitness: 3 sets of 10–12 reps. Adjust based on your training goals, e.g., higher reps for endurance or lower reps with heavier weight for strength.
10. Are there variations to this exercise?
Yes! You can try:
- Rope straight arm pulldowns for a greater range of motion.
- One-arm cable pulldowns for isolateral focus.
Introduction to Straight Arm Lat Pulldowns
Straight arm lat pulldowns are an effective exercise designed to target the latissimus dorsi muscles, which are essential for building a strong and wide back. This isolation exercise emphasizes controlled movement and is a staple in strength training routines for improving posture, enhancing upper body strength, and achieving a well-defined V-shaped back.
Suitable for individuals of all fitness levels, straight arm lat pulldowns are typically performed on a cable machine and focus on improving muscle engagement in the lats while minimizing reliance on the biceps. Whether you're working toward better pull-up performance, strengthening your back for functional fitness, or enhancing your physique, this exercise is a valuable addition to your routine.