This advanced leg superset workout uses compound exercises that focus on the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. Almost every superset includes a plyometric exercise. You'll build muscle and increase strength while burning calories and training your body for more explosive and responsive movements—like jumping, sprinting, or quick directional changes in sports like soccer, football, and basketball.
This leg superset workout combines movements in different directions to challenge your body in three planes of motion: the frontal, sagittal, and transverse planes. Training in 2 different planes of motion closely mimics the way our bodies move through everyday life activities and various sports. Focusing on the lower body, this leg superset workout will challenge your entire body. Expect to use your core, chest, back, and arms to stabilize your body.
Leg Superset Workout Warning
This is an advanced workout. You should be in good health and have experience using a variety of exercise equipment. If this is your first time using equipment, use less or no weight until you feel comfortable. You may want to enlist the help of a friend or personal trainer to supervise or find you.
You should always get your healthcare provider's clearance before starting any workout program if you are returning to exercise after an injury, pregnancy, or a period of inactivity. However, this is unlikely to be the best workout if you have not exercised regularly for some time.
Leg Superset Workout Equipment
This leg superset workout is designed to be done at the gym or in a well-equipped home workout space. The equipment needed includes a barbell, weight plates, dumbbells or a Smith machine, plyo box or platform, medicine ball, cones, and kettlebells. You will find most of this equipment in the weight room of most gyms or health clubs. Modifications are provided if you do not have any specific equipment.
How-To for This Leg Superset
Warm up with 5 to 7 minutes of light to moderate-intensity cardiovascular activity. This could include an easy jog around a track or on a treadmill, rowing, cycling on a stationary bike, or even jumping rope.
Once you’re warmed up, start the first superset and work your way through it. Remember, the point of superset training is that you move from one exercise to the next without taking a break. However, you can take 30- to 60-second breaks between supersets.
Depending on your time availability, repeat each superset before moving on to the next. If you complete each superset once, the entire workout will take about 40 minutes, which should be enough for a solid workout.
If doing all 5 supersets is too much, pick 2 to 4 supersets to complete. Be sure to finish with a 3- to 5-minute cooldown (such as walking around a track or on a treadmill) and some total-body stretches.
Superset #1
During this leg superset, you'll prepare your body for the more intense activities in the following supersets. This is the only superset that doesn't include a plyometric exercise. But the box step-up will get your heart rate up even more.
Weighted Squat
A weighted squat works all the muscles in the lower body but focuses on the quads and glutes. You can do this exercise with dumbbells, kettlebells, or a Smith machine.
- Rest a dumbbell on each shoulder and position the feet hip-distance apart.
- Keeping your chest tall and core engaged, bend your knees and send your hips downward (as if you're about to sit on a low chair).
- Lower so the thighs are at least parallel to the floor.
- Press into your heels and stand up, squeezing your glutes at the top. Repeat for 7-10 repetitions.
Good Mornings
With the good morning exercise, you'll focus on the hamstrings and core. To prepare for a good morning, stand tall with feet hip-distance apart. Place a barbell on your upper back (resting on the trapezius muscle) and hold it securely with both hands. If you added weight to the bar, be sure the weight plates are secured with a collar.
- Bend the knees slightly and hinge at the hips, bringing the torso forward and hips back (as if trying to shut a car door with your butt). Maintain a straight back and a strong core.
- Once your torso is parallel to the floor, return to the starting position.
- Complete 10–12 repetitions of this exercise.
Step Up With Weights
You'll need a sturdy step or box for this exercise. A taller box is harder, a shorter box is easier. Start by standing in front of the box, holding one weight in each hand at shoulder height.
- Step onto the box with the right foot, ensuring the entire foot is on the box.
- Press through the right foot and bring the left foot to meet the right.
- Step off the box with the right foot, then the left.
- Complete 10 repetitions leading with the right leg and 10 leading with the left.
Superset #2
You'll build strength and challenge your balance and coordination in this superset. You can do these exercises with your body weight, dumbbells, or kettlebells to take it up a notch.
Bulgarian Split Squat
Prepare for the Bulgarian Split Squat by standing with your feet hip-distance apart about two feet in front of a chair or bench. Lift your left leg and place it on the bench behind you, with the top of your foot facing down. Hold a dumbbell or kettlebell in your hand in front of your chest.
- Bend your right knee, lowering your body into a one-legged lunge. The shoulders stay upright over the hips as the body descends to knee level.
- Pressing through the right heel, lift the body back up to the starting position, and repeat.
- Complete 7–10 repetitions on each leg.
Sumo Squat
Engage the adductors (muscles on the inner thigh) with the sumo squat. You'll add weight by holding a kettlebell or dumbbell.
- Place feet slightly wider than hip-distance apart. Point your toes slightly outward.
- Bend your knees and send your hips downward (as if trying to sit in a low chair).
- Press through the heels and return to the standing position. Keep the core engaged throughout and weight evenly distributed between both feet.
- Complete 7–10 repetitions.
Jump Lunge
Jump lunges are a great way to build explosive power in the lower body and challenge your coordination. You'll also have to engage the core to maintain your stability.
Prepare for this exercise in a lunge position with the right leg in front and the left leg behind. Both knees are bent.
- Sink deeper into your lunge and lean slightly forward preparing to jump. The arms are bent at your sides with the left arm forward, right arm back.
- With a quick and explosive movement, launch your body up, lifting high enough to fully extend your knees and hips.
- While still in the air, bring the left leg front and the right leg back, switching positions as you begin to land. You should also switch arms, bringing the right arm forward and left arm back.
- Land softly in a lunge position and sink deeper in that lunge to prepare for your next jump.
- Continue to lunge, jump, switch, and land using the core for stability and the arms for added momentum. Complete 12–20 repetitions.
Superset #3
The deadlift is a great exercise to build stronger hamstrings and glutes.34 You'll also use muscles in the back and core to stabilize the body. Use dumbbells if you don't have a barbell.
Place a barbell with (optional) weight plates on the floor in front of you. Stand with the feet shoulder-width apart with your toes under the bar.
- Keeping your chest up and back flat, send your hips toward the back wall as you reach for the barbell, grasping right outside your shins.
- Lift the bar by pressing your feet into the ground (as if you're trying to push the ground away from you). The bar should almost graze the shins and come to rest around thigh level as you reach a standing position. In this fully upright position, the back is strong, shoulders are aligned over the hips, hips are aligned over the knees and ankles.
- Reverse the sequence by sending the hips back as you return the barbell to the starting position, making sure your back remains flat and chest is tall. Repeat this lift and lower sequence for 7–10 repetitions.
Lunge Twist
You’ll combine a basic lunge with a twist to strengthen your core, (especially the obliques), shoulders, and legs. Training your body to move in the transverse plane (twisting movements) helps prepare you for activities like lifting heavy objects.2 If you don’t have a medicine ball, simply use a dumbbell.
Prepare for this exercise by standing in a basic lunge position with your right foot forward. Back heel off the floor. Hold a medicine ball at chest height with arms fully extended. Use a dumbbell if a med ball isn’t available. You can do this exercise without any weights.
- Keeping the ball extended in front of your chest, rotate the body to the right. Keep your core engaged and glutes tight. Your focus follows the ball (or slightly above).
- Return the torso and your focus to the starting position. Make sure the shoulders are still aligned over the hips. Repeat 7–10 times on the right before switching sides for 7–10 repetitions on the left.
Lateral Jump
Adding a plyometric lateral jump to your workout introduces explosive movement in the frontal and sagittal planes. This helps you improve your everyday performance and especially performance in sports that use side-to-side movements, such as tennis or soccer.
To prepare for this exercise, place 5 to 7 low-profile cones in a wide-open area. If you don’t have low-profile cones, you can use another marker (such as a small weight plate), or none at all. Start by standing at one end with the cones to your right.
- Sink into a squat position to prepare for a jump.
- Push off the feet with an explosive movement and jump over the cones to the left side of the next cone. Land with bent knees. The cones are now on your left.
- Squat again and jump forward and across the cones landing with the cones on the right.
- Continue to jump in a forward diagonal pattern until you get to the last cone. Turn around and repeat for 30 to 60 seconds.
Superset #4
It is easier to challenge yourself with more weight by using a barbell for both exercises in this leg superset workout. Use dumbbells if a barbell is not available.
Barbell Front Squat
Like a traditional squat, you'll work all of the muscles in the lower body with this move. But the barbell front squat adds challenge for your upper body and core.
Begin standing with feet hip-distance apart. Prepare for the exercise by lifting the barbell to the meaty part of your upper chest. The bar should be close to your neck but not touching it. Elbows are facing forward and two to four fingers are under the bar.
- Lower the body into a squat keeping the spine long and the back upright and strong.
- Continue to descend into a deep squat until your hamstrings nearly touch the back of the calves. Heels stay on the ground.
- Reverse the movement to return to a standing position and repeat 6 to 9 times.
Hip Thrust
The hip thrust is an excellent move for targeting the glute muscles. Use dumbbells if a barbell is not available. You will also need a sturdy bench for this move. If one is not available, do a basic bridge and add a weight plate or dumbbell.
Hip thrust exercise.
- Start seated on the floor in front of a weight bench with knees bent. The upper back should be resting against the edge of a weight bench. Place the weight bar across the hips.
- Squeeze the glutes and press the bar straight up until the hips are in line with the shoulders and the knees. The bench should be supporting the upper back. Keep the core tight and maintain a slight chin tuck with your focus down your body.
- Slowly lower the bar until the hips are just a few inches off the floor. Squeeze the glutes and lift again. Complete 7 to 10 repetitions.
Side Shuffle
The side shuffle is a lateral move performed without weight, giving your legs a break. You'll use quick feet to keep the heart rate elevated and challenge your agility, balance, and coordination. Use cones or small weight plates placed about three to five yards apart.
Side Shuffle Sprints
- Begin at the cone on the right side with knees bent and chest lifted.
- Stay low and shuffle to the left as quickly as possible maintaining your low stance.
- Once you reach the cone on the left, reach down and touch it quickly before reversing the direction of your shuffle and moving back to the right cone. Continue the lateral shuffle for 30 to 60 seconds.
Supersets #5
Your last leg superset workout targets upper, middle, and lower body muscles, although the focus is on the hamstrings, glutes, and quadriceps.
Prepare for the jammer by placing a bar on the floor vertically. Set a weight plate on the end closest to your body. It's best if the far end is anchored against a wall or corner.
- Sit into a deep squat and grip the bar by cupping the palms over the end.
- Holding the bar, press through the hips, quads, and glutes to stand up and drive your hips forward to straighten your legs.
- Press the bar up and overhead, keeping the back tall and strong.
- Once the arms are fully extended, reverse the movement. Lower the bar and bring the body back into a squat position to repeat. Do 7–10 repetitions.
Cross Balance Lunge
You'll engage the core with the cross balance lunge which uses TRX straps. Before you begin, ensure your TRX straps are firmly attached to their base on the wall or ceiling. If straps are unavailable, do a curtsy lunge, side lunge, or lunge variation.
- Grab the handles, stand with your body facing the anchor point, and step back until all slack is removed from the straps. Arms are extended forward with palms facing each other.
- Keeping your core tight, extend the left leg behind the right moving the body into a low curtsy position with an upright chest. Touch the left toes to the floor behind you.
- Press through the right foot and return to the start position. Complete 7–10 repetitions.
Box Jumps
You'll need a platform or box to perform this last plyometric move. No matter how high, you'll target the glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, and calves to enhance power and strength.6
- Stand facing the box with feet about hip-distance apart. Bend your knees and lower the arms behind your body to prepare to jump.
- Spring up, jumping up and onto the box. Use the arms for momentum and land with soft feet and bent knees.
- Step off the box and prepare to begin again. Complete 10–12 repetitions.
Leg Superset Workout Introduction
Welcome to your Leg Superset Workout! This workout is designed to target multiple muscle groups in your lower body, helping you build strength, improve endurance, and increase overall muscle tone. By combining exercises into supersets, you'll maximize efficiency, challenge your muscles, and maintain a high level of intensity throughout your session.
What is a Superset?
A superset involves performing two exercises back-to-back with little to no rest in between. This method is excellent for saving time while keeping your heart rate elevated, promoting both muscle development and fat burning.
Benefits of a Leg Superset Workout
- Time Efficiency: Supersets allow you to accomplish more in less time by eliminating long rest periods.
- Increased Intensity: The continuous flow from one exercise to the next keeps your muscles engaged and challenged.
- Balanced Development: By pairing complementary or opposing muscle group exercises, you can achieve well-rounded leg strength and aesthetics.
- Calorie Burn: The high-intensity nature of supersets boosts calorie expenditure during and after your workout.
What to Expect
In this workout, you'll perform supersets that target key areas of your lower body, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves. Each superset combines two exercises that complement each other for a comprehensive leg workout.
Key Tips for Success
- Warm Up: Start with 5-10 minutes of dynamic stretching or light cardio to prepare your body for the workout.
- Form First: Prioritize proper form over heavy weights to prevent injury and maximize effectiveness.
- Pace Yourself: Supersets are intense, so listen to your body and rest as needed between rounds.
- Stay Hydrated: Keep water nearby to stay hydrated throughout your session.
Get ready to push your limits and feel the burn in your legs. Let’s build strength and stamina together! 💪