32 Best Things to Do in Bosnia Tourist Attractions

In this article, I discuss, things to do in Bosnia. Bosnia and Herzegovina, nestled in the heart of the Balkan Peninsula, is a captivating destination with a rich history, diverse culture, and stunning landscapes. When exploring this enchanting country, there are countless things to do in Bosnia that cater to all interests and preferences.

One of the must-visit places is the historic city of Sarajevo. Steeped in culture and history, Sarajevo offers a unique blend of Ottoman, Austro-Hungarian, and Yugoslav influences. Begin your journey by strolling through Baščaršija, the city's old bazaar, where you can immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere and sample traditional Bosnian delicacies. Don't miss the iconic Sebilj fountain and the Gazi Husrev-beg Mosque, both symbolic landmarks.

Venture beyond the city limits to experience the natural wonders that Bosnia has to offer. The picturesque Plitvice Lakes National Park boasts cascading waterfalls, crystal-clear lakes, and lush greenery.

Nature enthusiasts will find an array of hiking trails in the Dinaric Alps, providing breathtaking vistas and encounters with local wildlife. These outdoor adventures are among the top things to do in Bosnia for those seeking an active and scenic getaway.

Things to Do in Bosnia

32 Best Things to Do in Bosnia Tourist Attractions

For history buffs, a visit to Mostar is essential. The iconic Stari Most, a 16th-century Ottoman bridge, is a symbol of unity and resilience. Wander through the charming cobblestone streets of the old town, where you'll discover artisan shops and cozy cafes. Mostar's rich cultural tapestry and architectural gems make it a fascinating destination.

To delve deeper into Bosnia's complex history, explore the War Childhood Museum in Sarajevo. This poignant museum provides a moving insight into the lives of children during the Bosnian War, offering a somber yet essential perspective.

Sarajevo's Latin Bridge is another historical site, forever marked by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914, an event that triggered World War I. Visitors can stand on this iconic bridge and reflect on its significance in shaping the course of history.

1. Sarajevo


The capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina is a city rich in history and culture. The heart of Sarajevo is its charming Old Town. Baščaršija is the Old Town Market, which has somewhat of a Turkish vibe and is the perfect place to get a feel for the city and to pick up a little trinket to take home with you!

The city comprises a mix of Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian architecture with a picturesque skyline.

While building watching on a Sarajevo Walking Tour, you’ll notice bullet holes in buildings, which are Sarajevo’s scars from the war. For a true understanding of what happened here at the end of the last century, these scars of war are a must-see in Bosnia & Herzegovina.

2. Ilidza

Known for its lush greenery and therapeutic springs, it’s a perfect getaway from city hustle. The highlight? The gorgeous Vrelo Bosne park, a haven for picnics and leisurely walks.

Don’t miss the chance to ride a horse-drawn carriage down the picturesque avenue lined with chestnut trees. Ilidza is more than a suburb; it’s a slice of tranquility where nature and relaxation meet.

3. Mostar

Mostar is one of Bosnia & Herzegovina’s most beautiful cities and a top attraction in the Balkans. It’s rich in culture, history, and beautiful buildings. Whether you plan to stay for a few days or visit on a day trip from nearby Croatia, Mostar is definitely worth a visit.

A visit to the city of Mostar should start with the city’s one-star attraction. The Stari Most, known in English as Old Bridge, is in the very heart of the old city center. Spanning the beautifully clear Neretva River, this is one of the most iconic landmarks in the entire Balkan region.

Just seeing and walking across this world-renowned and famous bridge makes spending a day in Mostar worth it.

The visitor center is also near the Stari Most. Pay a visit for more in-depth information, and pick a city map. It’ll help you navigate the winding maze of ancient streets in the Old Town of Mostar, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

4. Travnik

Nestled in central Bosnia, Travnik’s claim to fame is its well-preserved Ottoman architecture.

The Travnik Fortress, perched above the town, offers panoramic views and a peek into the past. The town’s vibrant bazaar and the Sulejmanija Mosque, also known as the Colorful Mosque, are must-sees.

Travnik’s unique charm lies in its ability to transport you to a bygone era while you wander its historical streets.

5. Konjic

Halfway between Sarajevo and Mostar, Konjic hides a fascinating secret – Tito’s nuclear bunker. But there’s more to Konjic than Cold War relics. The town is a gateway to outdoor adventures.

Think rafting on the Neretva River or exploring the rugged beauty of the surrounding areas. Konjic seamlessly blends history with adrenaline-pumping activities.

6. Stolac

This small town is an open-air museum. From the fascinating Čaršija Mosque to the mysterious Radimlja Necropolis with its medieval tombstones, Stolac is a history buff’s paradise.

Don’t overlook the Badanj Cave, home to prehistoric drawings. Stolac offers a unique window into Bosnia’s diverse past, from ancient to modern times.

7. Trebinje

Tucked in the southeast, Trebinje is a gem. Stroll through its old town and you’ll feel like you’ve stepped back in time. The city’s mix of Ottoman and Mediterranean architecture is mesmerizing.

Its treasured landmarks include the Arslanagic Bridge and Hercegovacka Gracanica Monastery, perched on a hill with stunning views. The town’s relaxed atmosphere makes it a perfect spot to unwind and soak up some local culture.

8. Lukomir

High in the Bjelasnica mountains lies Lukomir, Bosnia’s highest and most isolated village. It’s like time stood still here. Stone houses with cherry-wood roofs speak of age-old traditions.

The villagers, semi-nomadic shepherds, preserve a way of life that has almost vanished. Hiking to Lukomir offers not just stunning scenery but also a rare glimpse into a lifestyle unchanged for centuries.

9. Tuzla

This vibrant city is known for its multicultural vibe and salt lakes – yes, right in the city center! Tuzla’s salt history is long and storied, and these lakes are a unique urban retreat.

The city’s old town is a delightful mix of cultures, with mosques and churches side by side. Tuzla might not be on every tourist’s radar, but it’s a lively spot with a blend of history and modernity.

10. Jajce

A group of wooden huts next to a hidden gem at Watermills Of Jajce Bosnia-Herzegovina

You’ll take a step back in time when visiting the walled city of Jajce. The town boasts and stunning waterfall and a collection of small wooden mills. The huge waterfall for which the town is famous is undoubtedly awe-inspiring, with some of the falls measuring 65 feet.

While in town, explore the old town walls and head for the Jajce castle ruins where Bosnian Kings were once crowned. Jajce was the last fortress to resist the Ottoman takeover and has proven to be very resilient throughout its history.

11. Visegrad

This town is synonymous with the Mehmed Pasha Sokolovic Bridge, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Immortalized in literature, the bridge is a stunning example of Ottoman engineering.

Nearby Andricgrad, a stone town built by filmmaker Emir Kusturica, adds a quirky touch with its blend of different architectural styles. Visegrad is not just about sights; it’s about stepping into a storybook setting.

12. Mehmed Pasha Sokolovic Bridge

Speaking of the famous bridge, you will find it straddling the Drina River east of the country, built in a classic Ottoman style. Aside from its beauty, this bridge has a rather morbid side as it was one of the Visegrad massacre sites.

13. Visit The Jungle At Kravica Waterfalls

The Trebizat River runs through a jungle landscape before moving towards the thundering Kravice Falls.

The falls themselves are awe-inspiring, at around 83 feet high, surrounded by stunning green forest. It’s amazing! This is among the best Bosnia-Herzegovina has to offer in terms of natural beauty.

You can enjoy many outdoor activities here, such as swimming, walking, climbing, etc.

14. Explore Vrelo Bosne

15 km from Sarajevo, you’ll see the spectacular natural wonder, Vrelo Bosne. Spanning 603 hectares at the foot of Mt Igman, Vrelo Bosne has been a natural retreat for Sarajevo’s city dwellers for centuries. The park is the source of the River Bosna and is packed with lakes, streams, and endemic flora and flora.

 This is a great place to take the family, where you can take a horse and carriage ride, frolic in the park’s playgrounds, feed the ducks and swans, and walk the park’s many trails. It’s one of the most underrated places to visit in Bosnia-Herzegovina and is a great place for a natural revitalizing getaway.

15. River Una Rafting

Those who love a little adrenaline will enjoy the wild waters of the River Una, located in the beautiful Bihac region. Here, you can try your hand at rafting, where you can take your pick from complex rafting stages to those more suited for novices.

If you’re brave enough, take on the Štrbački Buk – Lohovo route, where you’ll take on numerous rapids and waterfalls.

16. Watch The Divers In Mostar

One of the best things to do in Mostar is to find a cafe with a view over the iconic Stari Most (old bridge) and watch the local divers take the plunge into the Neretva River.

The bridge is one of Bosnia-Herzegovina’s most recognizable symbols, and it, along with the adjoining area, was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2005. It’s one of the most iconic places to visit in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Mostar is a beautiful city in its own right, and wandering around the Old Town of Mostar with its Ottoman architecture, walking over little streams, and browsing the stores with their local wares is an excellent way to see what Mostar is all about. Don’t forget your camera!

For the best view of Stari Most, head up to the Koskin Mehmed Pasha Mosque and climb the minaret.

17. Head To The Tjentiste War Memorial

The striking thing about this monument is that you must walk through it. It’s a giant angular concrete structure built to commemorate the loss of life in the Battle of the Sutjeska during WWII.

18. Wander The Old Jewish Cemetery In Sarajevo

Things to do in Bosnia and Herzegovina | jewish-cemetery-sarajevo-bosnia | Croatia Travel Blog

Things to do in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Don’t forget the past. Photo Credit

This pretty Jewish cemetery, surrounded by thousands of interesting old tombstones, was cut off for a long time (mainly because landmines surrounded it), but it was reopened in 1998.

It is a great place to visit for those of Jewish descent and those interested in Jewish history.

19. See Where World War I Started

Latin Bridge, an Ottoman bridge in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Located in Sarajevo is where Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated, an event that kick-started the events leading up to World War 1.

There is a memorial plaque where the assassination took place: a little creepy but a good landmark to visit for war history buffs.

20. Visit The Sarajevo War Tunnel Museum

One of the best museums in Sarajevo is the Sarajevo War Tunnel Museum. During the war, Sarajevo was under siege, with much of the city under Serbian control.

The museum is located at the Dobrinja entrance to the tunnel, displays war relics and weaponry, and allows you to take in a small section of the tunnel. The tunnel was constructed to link the neighborhoods of Butmir and Dobrinja and passed underneath the Serbian-controlled aircraft runway. The tunnel was hand-dug under challenging circumstances.

21. Visit The Site Of The Apparition Of The Virgin Mary

In 1981, the Virgin Mary appeared to 6 local children of Medjugorje, sending messages to the world through them. Since then, the town has become an important Catholic pilgrimage site, and the apparitions have continued to this day to those same six people.

While there, walk the stations of the cross up Mount Podbrdo, which is the site where the Virgin Mary was said to have first appeared.

22. See Bosnia-Herzegovina’s Answer To The Pyramids

Pyramids in Bosnia, I hear you say! Head to Visoko and check out the Pyramid of the Sun and Moon, which is thought to date back to around 12000 BC.

Well, that’s what a Bosnian amateur archeologist claims. While some experts are dubious about the claim, many believe it to be true. Investigations into the claim are ongoing, but if proven to be accurate, that would make these pyramids the oldest and largest in the world.

23. View The Bobsleigh Track Of The 1984 Winter Olympics

Sarajevo Bobsleigh Track deep within the enchanting woods of Bosnia And Herzegovina, adorned with graffiti. A must-visit for those seeking off-the-beaten-path places

Sarajevo was host to the Winter Olympics, and its massive bobsleigh track was famed, with a staggering 13 turns.

Since the war, the bobsleigh track fell into disrepair, and Mother Nature reclaimed the course.

24. Discover Modern Art In A Former Nuclear Bunker

Burrowed 663 feet into a mountain near Konjic, you will find a nuclear bunker that Tito built from 1953-1979, which has been repurposed as an art gallery.

Numerous exhibitions take place all year round, and while there, why not take a tour of the rest of the facility and, explore the bunker beyond the gallery, and learn about its history?

25. Read Lunar Time At The Old Clock Tower In Sarajevo

Built in the 16th century and standing 30m high, this clock tower doesn’t seem like anything beyond the typical old town clock tower. But this clock tower is the only public clock on the planet that keeps lunar time.

The reason it keeps lunar time is that it aligns with daily prayers.

26. Kozara Memorial Monument

Dera is home to the Kozara Memorial Monument, erected in 1972.

It’s a tower that stands 33m high and is a sad reminder of those who died in Dera during World War II.

27. Go Hiking

Take your pick from numerous hiking trails across the rugged Bosnian and Herzegovina. Try the hike to Bjelasnica Summit, Lokvanjsko Lake, or Rakitnica Canyon.

WARNING: Always stick to trails, as there are areas in Bosnia where land mines are yet to be recovered.

28. Explore The Čolina Kapa Fortress

During World War II, the Austro-Hungarians constructed a fortress perched upon Mount Trebevic to provide a bird’s eye view over Sarajevo.

After years of being unused after WWII, in the 1970s, the fortress was converted into an astronomical observatory where much of Bosnia’s star gazing research was conducted. During the most recent war, the observatory was destroyed; however, the lookout still serves as a popular destination for urban explorers.

29. Go Skiing In Sarajevo

The winter brings plentiful snow, which means slipping on the skis or snowboard and carving up.

The 1984 Winter Olympic site on Jahorina Mountain is fantastic for skiing and snowboarding and has a vibrant nightlife.

30. Enjoy A Guided Mountain Biking Tour

There are many trails across the Bosnian highlands. However, a guided tour is your best bet. The best trails are in the Central Dinaric Alps, offering stunning vistas and a challenging ride.

The bonus is that the trails are close to the capital, making for a great day trip.

National Parks & Nature Reserves In Bosnia & Herzegovina

31. Visit Bosnia-Herzegovina’s National Parks

Sutjeska National Park is the oldest in Bosnia & Herzegovina and holds one of the two last primeval forests in Europe, the highest waterfall in Bosnia & Herzegovina, Skakavac, and the highest peak in the country, Zelagnora. If you decide to hike the 2,386-meter Zelagnora mountain, you’ll be rewarded with seeing some pristine glacial lakes and wildlife.

The country has two more national parks, Kozara National Park and Una National Park. 

Established in 2008, Una National Park is the youngest of the three national parks in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The park encompasses the Unac and Upper Una Rivers and is the source of the famous Krka River. Clearly, this protects the area’s extraordinary flora, fauna, waterfalls, riverbank forests, and archaeological and cultural heritage sites.

32. Peruse Počitelj

This 14th-century medieval town sits on the side of a rocky hill on the bank of the Neretva River. The town gives you an excellent glimpse into the area’s past, with its medieval stone construction and the additions to the city from the Ottomans.

Here, you’ll find stone walls, homes, the Počitelj Fort, and a Mosque. It’s an exciting blend of two distinct eras of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

For the best views of the Neretva River and the surrounding landscape, climb the fort tower.

This beautiful historic town is one of the most popular places to visit in Bosnia and Herzegovina on trips to Mostar from Croatia.


Q1: What are some popular tourist attractions in Bosnia?

A1: Bosnia offers a rich cultural experience with attractions such as the historic Old Bridge in Mostar, the picturesque town of Sarajevo, and the stunning Plitvice Lakes National Park.

Q2: How can I travel from Sarajevo to Mostar?

A2: The most common and convenient way to travel from Sarajevo to Mostar is by bus, with frequent services running between the two cities. The journey takes approximately 2.5 to 3 hours.

Q3: Are there any must-try traditional Bosnian dishes?

A3: Absolutely! Don't miss trying cevapi (grilled minced meat), burek (flaky pastry with various fillings), and sogan-dolma (stuffed onions). These dishes offer a delightful taste of Bosnian cuisine.

Q4: What is the best time to visit Bosnia for pleasant weather?

A4: The best time to visit Bosnia for pleasant weather is during the spring (April to June) and fall (September to October) when temperatures are mild, and you can enjoy the beautiful landscapes without extreme heat or cold.

Q5: Are there any safety tips for tourists in Bosnia?

A5: While Bosnia is generally safe for tourists, it's advisable to stay informed about local customs, be cautious in crowded areas, and respect any travel advisories. It's also recommended to keep your belongings secure and be aware of your surroundings.

Conclusion: When seeking relaxation, head to the healing waters of the thermal springs in Ilidža. These rejuvenating waters have been attracting visitors for centuries, making it one of the therapeutic things to do in Bosnia. Whether you opt for a spa day or a soothing soak, this experience promises tranquility and rejuvenation.

Bosnia and Herzegovina offer a diverse array of experiences that cater to every traveler's interests. From exploring historic cities like Sarajevo and Mostar to immersing yourself in the natural beauty of Plitvice Lakes National Park, there are endless things to do in Bosnia. Whether you're a culture connoisseur, nature lover, or history enthusiast, this Balkan gem is sure to captivate your heart and leave you with lasting memories of its beauty and charm.

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